Travel Tips: how to survive in the African jungle

As much as you love jungle adventures, they can turn into nightmares if you do not know what you are supposed to do in different circumstances. It is not enough to have undergone some sort of scout training or camping training. African Jungle survival requires some peculiar set of skills to be able to withstand the hostile terrain and weather. Below are some tips that will go a long way in making your adventures in the bush much more enjoyable.

You must know how to use a Compass

The number of people that have been lost in the African jungle never to be seen again is telling on how seriously you need to take the ability to read a compass. Nowadays, there are smart phones that come with some compass apps, but in the jungle the signal is usually low and thus the good old compass will come a long way in helping you find your way out of the jungle.

2. You must Dress for the jungle

Excuse my rudeness, but the jungle is not a bridal shower or fashion show. Dressing flimsily will cause you a lot of harm. The most recognized jungle wear are khaki shorts and shirts, a canvas hat, a rainproof raincoat, hiking boots, and insect repellant. Without these items, your African jungle adventure will be a horrible experience.

3. Make sure you have all the items you need

This is especially important for those that intend to camp. Come with flashlight, sleeping bags, canvas tents, insect repellants, match boxes, hunting knife, a gun (if allowed in the park), among others. You must take some anti-malaria tablets and some vaccinations. In the jungle, you never wear cologne - it will attract bees to you and you will be stung - the African bee sting is fatal.

4. Always eat away from the camp

In the African jungle, especially in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania; there exists a species of ants called Safari Ants. These ants will get attracted to your camp by any scent of food and you will be in their way of getting the food. They have been known to bite and eat huge animal to death. Besides, there are other animals such as hyenas, jackals and foxes that will be attracted by the same.

5. The best security is fire

As long as there are no rhinos in the park where you are camping, you can keep all the other animals at bay using fire. The rhino has been known to get agitated by any sign of fire and will come and put off the fire. Other animals stay away from the campsite where there is fire.

6. Know the terrain and the weather of the jungle you intend to visit

Places like Maasai Mara are open grasslands while others like Mt Kilimanjaro are hilly and still others like Kruger are dense forest. Each receives rains at different times of the year. You are well advised to visit these destinations during the dry seasons. It is much more enjoyable then.

There so many things you need to put in mind before you head out in the African jungle, but the above list will be a good starting point.

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