Which one of these 12 types of travellers are you?
No traveller is the same... what kind of traveller are you?
1. The Techie
Buys a new SLR camera, then plans a trip to use it
Most likely to find this type of traveller in Italy, Rio, Israel Washington
2. The Partier
Sleep is for the week, its alway five o clock even at 8 am
Most likely to find this type of traveller in Vegas, New York or Ibiza
3. The Chiller/whatever happen happens traveller
No plans. Go with the flow, lets see what the day brings
Most likely to find this type of traveller in Australia, Vancouver or Spain
4. The Planner
" Time to go everyone we need to keep on schedule"
Most likely to find this type of traveller anywhere, but don't you dare get off schedule
5. The Shopper
Must buy everything in sight
Most likely to find this type of traveller anywhere with a mall and a Starbucks
6. The Penny Pincher
" Sounds like fun but i'll have to check the budget
Most likely to find this type of traveller in Branson, New Orleans and Thailand
7. The Know it all
They really know nothing, but don't tell them that.
Most likely to find this type of traveller Cuba, Cancun, Britain
8. I'm finding myself traveller
In search of something, not exactly sure what, but i'll guarantee you, when they find it you'll know
Most likely to find this type of traveller India, Indonesia or Tibet
9. The Solo Traveller
Lone ranger outlaw renegade drifter.
Most likely to find this type of traveller anywhere tourists frequently make it to.
10 . The Complainer
" Well this isn't like home "
Most likely to find this type of traveller on certain cruises and guided tours
11. The Repeater
Goes to the some place every year and won't stop talking about it.
Most likely to find this type of traveller in Florida
12. The Group
" Where's Mary the bus is about to leave"
Most likely to find this type of traveller anywhere with a bunch of statues and monuments
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