Big news from The Travel Valet

Hi Everyone,

I have lots of exciting news.

To begin, I want to thank you for all your feedback, suggestions and patience as we fully role out The Travel Valet.

The initial feedback and adoption rate over the last 30-day period has exceeded our initial expectations, for this we are truly grateful, without early adopters like yourselves innovation isn’t possible.

Because of all of you we were able to make major adjustments, enhancements and improvements to the product.

With this being said, I am excited to announce the new version of The Travel Valet has hit the app store.

Here is a list of enhancements we have made to help drive mobile engagement, maximize mobile revenue opportunities and improve user experience.

1. Less friction on the sign up process. Click here to see what your customers see

2. Unique URL's for each of you to share with your clients. These unique links are found under " My Profile " Click here

3. Copying of quote information to your clients email. Now when you send a quote you automatically copy your clients email. 

4. Making the system request based. This has already received glowing reviews. We felt messaging may have alluded to immediate response. Thus, we have made it request based. 

5. Adjusted the ask for a quote, its now a more deliberate action and placed on the bottom of the app.

Lastly as many of you are at different stages in the set up process. We thought we should reiterate and place a link in this email with all the instructions on how to set up and use The Travel Valet. CLICK HERE TO GET ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS

If you have any questions or concerns please email

All our very best Ryan and The Travel Valet Team.

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